How to make sensitivity your power?

Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) on short means a person, whose nervous system is more sensitive to feel, notice and experience things, emotions and sensations. It’s not a fault or a disorder but just a normal variation of people, about 15-20% of girls and boys are born more sensitive.

Highly Sensitive People are more aware than others of subtleties. Their brain processes information and reflects on it more deeply, they feel, sense and notice a lot more than the others. That can be a gift but also it make them more easily overwhelmed and overstimulated when things are too intense, complex, novel or chaotic for a long time.

The most sensitive people are those who are the first to notice and react to problems in the workplace, in relationships or welbeing, such as conflicts or an overly stressful environment or lifestyle. The most sensitive people also tend to be capable of and willing to engage in self-discovery and development as human beings. They are more likely than average to seek help and information about welbeing.

Many HSP have learned to think that their sensitivity is a fault and they might have a low esteem because of that. It’s very important to be aware of your sensitive being and learn to appreciate it, to be able to find a ways of living that suits you and let the sensitivity become your power not a problem.

The Highly Sensitive People and the power of sensitivity are very close to my heart. All these years most of my clients have been highly sensitive. As a highly sensitive person myself also, by going through my own learning process with it and creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle that supports my sensitivity to appear as a gift, I have a very deep understanding and appreciation towards sensitivity and sensitive people.

How do you feel and think about this? Does it resonate with you?

If you have questions or if I could help you via counceling or otherwise, please feel free to send me a message [email protected]

Ps. I have also published two non-fiction books about sensitive people: The Power of Sensitivity (2016) and With a Sensitive Child (2022), (the books are only available in Finnish but stay tuned for translations).