Are you a highly sensitive person?

About 20% of people, both men and women, are born highly sensitive, so it is normal and quite common, although a minority of people. High sensitivity includes not only a strong or vivid emotional life, but also the ability to be more aware of subtleties than most people, mostly because of the way the brain processes and reflects information more deeply.

Do you recognise yourself (or someone close to you) in these sentences?
I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input.
I seem to be aware of subtleties in my surroundings.
Other people’s moods affect me.
I feel the need to retreat during busy days to some place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation.
I have a rich, complex inner life.
I am deeply moved by art or music.
I am conscientious.

These are some examples of how High Sensitivity can be experienced in your daily life. Being sensitive has many advantages in life. But you have to know yourself well and create a life that suits you.

If this resonates with you, you may ask more information, book a councelling session or attend my workshops.