Intuitive Healing training

Training in intuitive healing is a combination of learning about spiritual growth and intuitive healing. It is based on a deepening of conscious accepting mindfulness, an opening to heart awareness, the practice of listening to intuition, and a profound process of introspection and growth towards authentic self and the power of sensitivity.

A new Intuitive Healing training group (in English) will start in autumn 2024 in Greece.

The training will practice intuitive energy healing that can be used to care for oneself and others. Some will use the training professionally and it can also be used as a complement to other therapeutic work (e.g. massage therapists, psychologists, bodywork therapists), depending on each person’s own skills and interests.

Energy therapy itself is not a formal health care method. However, healing energy is a natural part of human encounters and can be part of a wide range of therapeutic work. In this training, energy healing is approached and practised from a practical perspective as a way of promoting well-being and spiritual growth.

The importance of high ethical standards, confidentiality and respect for the person being cared for will be presented as essential elements of responsible care work. The training is ideologically neutral.

The intuitive healing and self-development training basic level concists four live modules of 10 hours each. Each module includes theory and practice on different perspectives of intuitive healing and therapeutic self-development, with homework, supervision and reportable treatment exercises in-between.

The training is suitable for both care professionals and other adults interested in intuitive healing who also want to contribute to their own spiritual growth.

Participation requires sufficient resources and a good enough state of health. All enrolments are subject to a pre-survey to ensure suitability for the training.

If you are interested, please request a brochure and register on the waiting list by sending me a message [email protected].

Feedback on the training from previous participants (the Finnish groups):
“I have received much more than I could have imagined or believed beforehand.”
“At the end of the course, you feel like you’ve come a long way. A journey in which you yourself have changed dramatically. My mind is full of gratitude.”
“Amazing how hand in hand the process of spiritual growth and intuitive healing have gone.”
“The safe and accepting atmosphere of the group has enabled me to practice new skills. I have been able to come to the group exactly as I am. Only now do I really understand the true meaning of the phrase ‘come as you are’. This was promised in the course introduction letter.”
“All the exercises and books in the training have been a great help in my own spiritual growth and as an energy healer. I could not have imagined how much this training would change me. To believe in myself and discover my own truth. To move towards what feels right and me.”
“Thank you for your genuine guidance. I have enjoyed your clarity and understanding, “plain and simple”. Without too much highfalutin or obscure terminology.”
“Appropriate treatment in relation to the theory. The treatment with natural elements was particularly touching! The guidance was professional, adequate and also individual, which was a good thing. I got much more from the course than I expected, especially in terms of my own spiritual growth. The quality of life has improved considerably.”
“A big thank you goes to Hel for being a wonderful, present, accepting and encouraging trainer. Another big thank you goes to the wonderful team for their total acceptance and encouragement.”
“The training has opened up a new world for me. I have been able to bring out my life lessons and deal with them in a safe environment. Together with other course participants, I have been able to forge this journey into myself.”
“The ability to listen to my body and its messages and my inner self has improved. Listening to my intuition and especially trusting it has increased dramatically. I find it very important that the training has encouraged listening to my own inner wisdom rather than learning by rote. There is enormous potential in all of us, waiting to be unleashed.”
“Training has helped me to discover myself and the courage to be myself. I let the world roar around me without being distressed by it myself. I am more understanding of others and their behaviour but there is a line between me and others that I can no longer cross without my permission.”
“The main thing on my mind is the incredibly safe and professional guidance and “transport” for a major, almost larger than life process. Even earlier in the sensitivity course I thought and said that it is rare to meet a person who lives as he teaches. It is even stronger in you and if anything it gives you confidence and hope that one can find a connection with the self and the higher without being overly spiritual and floating.”
“The presentation of the ego and the inner self provided me with a tool for the rest of my life that I am truly grateful for. The gentleness, tolerance and trust in intuition of the treatment struck a chord. It’s wonderful to have a good example and support from you about spiritual growth and its importance for a balanced and happy life. So you are a walking example and a calling card for your work :)”
“I would like to thank you lovingly for this journey I have had the pleasure of taking with you, for your wisdom, your warmth, your grace, your light. The training was a very unique experience for me, everything is difficult to put into words. You have been a remarkable person, a sister and a teacher on my path. Without this training, I would not be where I am today, and from where I am starting to explore this world again with new eyes and more integrity.”
“I think the training has progressed and built up really well, supporting my own spiritual development. Each period has been its own integral whole, and the lessons have been easy to integrate into my own life through tasks and reflections. You lovingly created a very safe and inspiring environment to learn new things, and everyone gets to be exactly who they are – loved as themselves.”